It’s annoying how voices of wants and desires
pick at your ear drums all the time
they keep on saying the same words
repetitions that makes you want to wallow
in abject utmost insurmountable misery
they need your name and signatures
for everything you purchase, the bills
they need your hard earned money
to top up their bottomless coffer
they need they want they require
then they need your voice of agreement
to all they want to do, to you and your children
they operate the system for you, for them
they lay the law of taxes and excises
your percentages of your loans your debts
the land that God created on the earth
they want you to pay levy
or else they take it, piece by piece
you build a home in your own land
better ask them if you can or not
and then they ask you for your tithe
one tenth of your earnings or else
you will be frowned up, looked down
for shying away from paying God
to repair the church roofs
they are at you for not being sheep
running together, grazing in the same fold
Bambi will not run with Thumper
Inter species dating and mating
Is a great big transgression
It’s a pain in the eardrums and mind
The needs and wants of all around
They want this and that, crippling you
The rich may grow filthy rich
But the poor stay poverty stricken.