Thursday, 24 December 2015

For Something Completely Different: random thoughts

There are several quotes in books that I feel like  quoting as they sound so wise and so clever. I find them awe-inspiring at times and can even trigger  a poem or two. Well. Sometimes.
However it then occurred to me that no matter how good they sound, if we don't understand what they mean, they are nothing but words that sound good to our ears and our mind. We can't always get what they mean. It is more so if the language is not our mother tongue.
'Something is rotten in the State of Denmark' is an example of a saying which can't be fathomed by some. It is a line from Hamlet (Shakespeare's) which translate to 'something is not quite right here'.
Why am I sharing this? Well, this is actually inspired by a recent encounter where someone quoted something so extraordinary but did not apply to the situation at that time.
"he laughed me to death" made me think of someone with a fantastically funny joke. What she meant was his insulting laughter killed her spirit.

I have always loved books. Books have been my
main venue for education, entertainment and information all my life. At a very young age, my hunger for story books was apparent, that I even picked up printed matters from garbage bins. I remember picking up an old torn book, half gone from a dust bin. It was 'Dracula' by Bram Stoker. The book was of course incomplete. It was so frustrating.  But I held on to it until years later I found the book on paperback and thankfully at that time I was financially able to buy it.
During my preteens and teen years, I was
immersed in Enid Blyton that I thought fairies were real. I later graduated to Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys, Soon I read Agatha Christie but skipped Barbara Cartland. She wowed the hearts of many friends, but not mine. I can never imagine some lords of the manor falling in love with me, or a tall dark stranger for that matter. I graduated to Catherine Cookson and Frank Yerby, AJ Cronin and much later James Michener. Later I discovered Stephen King and Dean R Koontz. It seemed I am stuck there.

As a journalist, I am often asked why I don't discuss news items, issues or incidents that I cover during the day when I am at home. Actually, for me journalism is a vocation. You are never on leave or off from the field. I look at my surroundings and my mind asks so many questions that need to be answered. What I asked or find out may not make the pages of a paper or a news portal, but it stays with me and I understand why things are as they are better. An inquisitive mind goes with it and I never cease asking or wanting to know. When I go home however I don't want to discuss work as I need a rest from my own thoughts of that incident or event. Discussing them further makes me feel like I am still working and so not rested at all.
So I will not speak of my work to families and friends. CNN and BBC gets a peek every now and then though.

At this precise moment, I feel a little weary. Today as I write this, is 11.44pm on Dec 24, 2015. Christmas in a few minutes time. As usual through the years I am alone in my room at this time. My thoughts fly to family around me and friends so far away. And a beloved which brings gentle sadness to my heart, but hey happiness is a state of mind they say. Whoever they are. haha! You may wonder at the photos of candles here...actually I just love them because they are so pretty. Candles are so meaningful in many ways. Lighted candles on windows are my favourite scene. Thank you for reading my random thoughts .:)

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